Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year, New Me. Well same me but...

Happy Saturday Evening!

It's that time again; a little over a week into the New Year. How are those resolutions holding out? Still rolling strong or still the same wishful thinking from a week before January 1, 2010? Now about this time last year I posted about conducting your financial physical and you can check that post out if you scroll down a ways. I'm not here now to just rehash that subject but it still very much applies, a financial physical is something everyone should get in the habit of doing.

Something quick that I wanted to vent about while it was still fresh in my overcrowded head space was more along the lines of goal setting and tracking. I am constantly learning new ways to trick myself through these little mental hurdles that from an objective rational point of view should be non-issues to start with. My tribulations run from projects I'm working on (like this blog) to even staying motivated at the gym (which was not part of my personal resolutions because I'm a gym rat already). I know I'm not the only one out there that has these problems and I even coach people to get over their financial hurdles all the time. If you were looking for an excuse to get going or stop procrastinating here is the excuse. It's still really early in 2010 so get started. It doesn't matter where you are now financially the point is to pick your tracking medium and start. One of my favorites is still, it will give you an instant gut check provided you keep honest with it. If you're more old school your spread sheet of choice or even good old pen and paper will suffice.

Set a real, reachable, track-able, tangible goal. If it's a savings number, a return for a portfolio, or even just to number that you want to work your discretionary spending down to just set it. If you're visual like me make some kind of graphical way to track it. I'm still a fan of coloring so I make little thermometers that I can color in as I go along which in itself is gratifying. Create a plan for yourself and write it down somewhere. Every week take a look at it and make sure that your actions for the week are reinforcing your efforts to reach your goal. Let someone else read it and give them a copy so they can hold you accountable, make sure it's someone you trust handing over your personal financial goals over to. Then at the end set up a little reward for yourself so that not only did you reach the goal that you set for yourself you also threw a little kicker in there. An example would be taking a savings goal, increasing the base by 5% and then using that extra to treat yourself at the end. It sounds really fundamental but you'd be surprised at how many people drag their feet or let their resolutions fall to the wayside. Own it people!!

Now I'm no authority on keeping people motivated, nor am a goal crushing guru, I just know what works for the people I work with and myself. So if you swing by this post and read my little rant hopefully it just gave you the little mental push to get started and if I failed to motivate then do what you need to do to get motivated!! Just trying to plant the seed here. Stay tuned for some meatier content as my resolution is to resurrect my little pet project here and bring some substance back.


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