Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ok so here's the situation..

I know there was an update here earlier but all that has kind of changed.  I needed to do a little more organizing before I posted the last update.  If you don't know what I am talking about that means I removed it since you've been here last so no worries.  There is tons of fun happening mainly in the shape of two new blog spaces.  I've decided that this blogging project was either going to get bigger or it was going to be forgotten about so as I say in one of my new spaces..I decided to grow.  The two new blogs are broken out into a "professional" and a "general interest".  The "professional" can be found at www.financiallydigital.squarespace.com and the "general interest" is www.everythingelse.blogspot.com.  Financially Digital is going to be replacing Physical Therapy for Your Wallet in pretty much title alone.  I wanted to spread the coverage to include tech, which is also a passion of mine, as well as finance.

I will be leaving this space up for a while as I finish the new space. What I really should have done was pick myself up a copy of Blogging For Dummies sooner so I could have saved myself some headaches.  You live and you learn.  I'm excited to keep bringing my voice and personal touch to these topics and hopefully you guys are excited to keep reading.  So go look around the new places and let me know what you think!!


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