Thursday, June 11, 2009

So I have been just turned on to It's an online community where people post step by step instructions on pretty much anything you can think of. I myself am trying my hand at this and I just finished my first How-To.

For me this one was easy because it's pretty much what I did when I moved to the Waltham Community. So if you're wondering how this fits into financial well being I ask you to think of this. With a lot of these non-profits there is a time and a monetary commitment. If you're looking to do some good and increase your the deductions you take on your income giving to a group that you're committed to isn't a bad way to go.

As far as blog updates I should have some guest articles appearing here very soon by some of my favorites. Along with that I'll have some new pieces of my own to boot and we'll see how financial planning fits into a step by step process...will certainly be interesting.

Thanks and welcome to all the new viewers too! As always comments/questions/concerns are always welcome!!

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